It is amazing to me how many people, women in particular, suffer with sleep issues. I understand the time frame of big hormonal shifts like menopause, but this issue is affecting much younger women as well. My first thought is always to research the topic and check out if food choices can make a difference. Does the research make sense? Do nights of sleeplessness make this mighty tempting to give it a try? The research out there is fast to point out that this is such a multifaceted issue with what food, how much of that food, organically grown or farmed raised, that to pinpoint a fast fix is not possible at this time. However, there have been many studies that have provided insight into foods that do help the body regulate serotonin or provide Melatonin which help with sleep.
2 kiwis 1 hour before bedtime….they address folate deficiencies and have a high concertation of serotonin.
2 one cup servings per day….. above average concentration of melatonin
HORLICK”S POWDER… formulated with vitamins and minerals that are supposed to help with sleep
contains melatonin…. Remember all the old shows that have people creeping into the kitchen late at night for a warm cup of milk cause they can’t sleep. HMMMM.. maybe they were onto something!!!! 🙂
salmon 3 X’s per week Lots of Vit. D and Omega 3 which are involved in the body’s regulation of serotonin.
almonds, walnuts, Pistachios and cashews contain melatonin, magnesium and zinc. This combo had very good results for older Americans in a sleep study.
Eating foods with a high glycemic index 4 hours before bedtime helped with falling asleep. (Sugary beverages and sweets have the opposite effect so NO sugary beverages or sweets)
A balanced, consistent diet is very important. A Mediterranean Diet is the most popular diet for eating the right foods for over all health. Lots of Fruits and Vegetables…lean meats and plenty of fish. If you are new to preparing dishes that fit into a category of good health, the Mediterranean Diet is actually pretty easy. Ingredients are accessible and there are books and recipes galore out there. East to prepare, basic cuisine.
Other factors that can make a difference: Limit your caffeine and alcohol and don’t eat past 6 pm in the evening.
Explore your sleep environment: Is your room quiet and dark? Do you use electronic devices before falling asleep? In many studies, electronic devices have been proven to suppress the body’s melatonin production and counter act the benefits of sleep promoting foods.
My final thought is this: I would look at this research and see if I fell into certain categories. Do I eat past 6? Is my diet made up primarily of fruits and veggies? Is my room dark and quiet? Could I eat more kiwis or eat Tart cherries? Do I eat more rice or potatoes and do I get enough fish in my diet? Small changes can bring big results so start with one or two things and assess for yourself. You may find one glass of milk is the ticket or not taking your electronic device to bed means more ZZZ’S … (There is actually a ton of research out there on electronic pollution.. from phones to iPads to TV’s and guess where a lot of them are?????? In the bedroom!!! Hmmmm makes you wonder..right?????
Wow, awesome weblog format! How long have you ever been blogging for? Dierdre Charley Norris
It will be a year this summer.